Support the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in the Fields of Integrity and Corruption Prevention


Overall objective:

Supporting National Institutional Efforts in Jordan to strengthen Integrity and Corruption Prevention. 


Specific Objectives:

1.               Develop and revise national integrity standards in the public sector to guarantee the implementation, compliance with, and activation of these standards with related institutions.

2.               Enhance the capacities of specialized departments in JIACC in assessing and managing corruption risks in selected sectors.


Results per each component:

               Component 1: Develop and revise national integrity standards in the public sector to guarantee the implementation, compliance with, and activation of these standards with related institutions

-                 Result 1: Methodology for a baseline assessment study for National Integrity Standards is defined to assess and measure its effectiveness and implementation and revised the strategy accordingly

-                 Result 2: Enhanced the capacities of specialized JIACC staff and redesigned institutional operations in related departments

-                 Result 3: Implementation of the revised National Integrity Standards and the fight against corruption by ensuring better coordination internally and externally, training of selected MDAs

-                 Result 4: Developed mechanisms (Codes of Conduct, Codes on Conflict of Interest, Regular Awareness Programs) to increase the awareness of public sector, the private sector and civil society organizations in the values of integrity, and ethics, and transparency principles and the risks of corrupt acts

               Component 2: Enhance the capacities of specialized departments in JIACC in assessing and managing corruption risks in selected sectors

-                 Result 5: Developed operational manual on assessing and managing corruption risks

-                 Result 6: Implemented the operational manual in two sectors

-                 Result 7: Enhanced the capacities of a sufficient amount of specialized JIACC staff on assessing and managing corruption risks

-                 Result 8: Redeveloped tasks, workflows and job descriptions to guarantee the effectiveness of risks management

-                 Result 9: Developed skills mapping based on the survey results, identified specializations and prepared an annual training plan linked to them

-                 Result 10: Provided strategic advice on implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy and run related activities (peer-to-peer exchanges)


The Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission - JIACC